Saturday, November 16, 2019

Choices of my delusional heart

I love reading romance fiction and watching holiday movies. I think there is enough grief and violence around us, even though it's just for little while, but these books and movies, make me believe in the magic of life and magic of falling in love. My brain understands the realities of life, it's the delusions and naivete of my heart that is the problem. 
This free verse was inspired by the books I read, the movies I see and the people I meet. 

Hating you is an option
I don't want to choose
Loving you is something
I can't stop to do
Missing you is something
my delusional heart
continues to beat it through
Being with you is my dream
you don't want for you
Don't know what's more scary
my dreams for me or
my wish for you
Is it the baggage of my past 
or failed relations around you
that we can't find a way across 
this ocean of pain and loss
Not everyone you will love
is going to leave
you would just have to trust
and take the leap 
I promise to be there
every step of the way
defying the rules for you
corrupting the balance of fate
Loving you is a choice
I will make everyday


  1. I liked the juxtaposition of the first and last couplets.

    1. Thank you Ed, it means a lot coming from you!

  2. A lot of food for thought.

    1. Thank you for reading it Diane. It was a lot to process while writing this one.


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