Sunday, April 5, 2020

Getting over "The One"

How do you get over the one
that wasn't meant to be
I wish I had answer to that
I would have passed it along
to everyone I met
I pray that it would
hurt less with every step I take
the brain says it's the way to be
let it go honey
the delusional heart continues
on its own beat

I wish I had the answer
but even that is sealed
in your eyes
I wish you'd tell me
what did I do wrong
this time around
we might get past this
only if we can meet
somewhere other than my dreams

I wish I had the answer
how to get over the one
that wasn't meant to be
only if you would give me time
give me the space
let me get away
from our memories

Getting over "The One"

How do you get over the one that wasn't meant to be I wish I had answer to that I would have passed it along to everyone I met I p...