Friday, May 16, 2008

For a Special Friend on her Special Day

You my true friend
Just be by my side till the end of my life
you the one I count on
Share my darkest secrets
You are a friend in the truest of sense
We fight
We argue
But you call it “difference of opinion”
We have silence for days between us
But in the end of every fight,
There is a huge hug ‘n’ a cry
A feeling of togetherness
We laugh till we get tears in our eyes
Strange yet true
We understand the silence when we want to
But we don’t understand the words at times
That’s when all that you say is "but I like you"
Nothing can change the bond that we have
Worse that can happen in life
Is not to die
But forgotten
Forgotten by friends
A friend who might just forget to say 'Hi'
You my true friend
Just be by my side till the end of my life...
Love you lots ...

Getting over "The One"

How do you get over the one that wasn't meant to be I wish I had answer to that I would have passed it along to everyone I met I p...